Veggie Bouquet


Send a statement with this big edible arrangement made with organic veggies that pair to create a culinary piece of art. Comes as a hand tied bouquet (aka no vase). When in season, veggies will be purchased from local farms. This arrangement is 100% the designer’s choice. Each one is uniquely made and curated. Clients will receive an original piece and the image used is a size and style example, the colors and veggies used will not be an exact replica.

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Send a statement with this big edible arrangement made with organic veggies that pair to create a culinary piece of art. Comes as a hand tied bouquet (aka no vase). When in season, veggies will be purchased from local farms. This arrangement is 100% the designer’s choice. Each one is uniquely made and curated. Clients will receive an original piece and the image used is a size and style example, the colors and veggies used will not be an exact replica.

Send a statement with this big edible arrangement made with organic veggies that pair to create a culinary piece of art. Comes as a hand tied bouquet (aka no vase). When in season, veggies will be purchased from local farms. This arrangement is 100% the designer’s choice. Each one is uniquely made and curated. Clients will receive an original piece and the image used is a size and style example, the colors and veggies used will not be an exact replica.